Broccoli is a highly nutritious winter vegetable. Phytonutrients that prevent heart disease, polyuria and cancer are found in broccoli. Besides, it contains calcium, potassium, folate fiber. Provides vitamins A and C to prevent cell damage. Broccoli is very high in vitamin C. An average adult eats 100 grams of broccoli per day to meet 150% of his body's vitamin C needs. Broccoli cultivation began in Italy during Roman rule. In the 17th and 18th centuries, it was cultivated in various regions of Europe.
Nutrients :-
An 80 gram serving of broccoli
- 22 kilo calories
- 2.6 grams of protein
- 2.2 grams of carbohydrates
- 2.2 grams of fiber
- 0.4 grams of fat
- 478 NCC caroten
- Contains 35 mg of vitamin C.
Health Benefits of Blockley:
1.Ability to prevent cancer
Although there is no such thing as a superfood that can prevent cancer, food cannot be specifically blamed for cancer. Your healthy diet can reduce your risk of cancer. A key ingredient found in broccoli is sulforaphane, a phytochemical that is also responsible for broccoli's bitter taste. Scientists have found that sulforaphane can reduce the risk of certain cancers.
2. Good for heart health
A study in Nutrition Research found that if a person regularly eats broccoli in their diet, their total body cholesterol is significantly reduced. It helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Another study conducted in the United States found that brassica vegetables such as broccoli in the diet significantly reduced the risk of heart disease.
3. Maintains hormonal balance
It plays an important role in maintaining hormonal balance in our body. Brassica vegetables like broccoli contain a phytochemical called indole-3-carbinol (I3C). It acts as plant estrogen in our body. It helps in maintaining hormonal balance by regulating the level of estrogen in our body. It also helps reduce the risk of breast cancer in men and women.
4. Good to increase eye sight
Broccoli contains lutein, carotenoids and zecranthin, which help reduce the risk of age-related eye diseases such as cataracts and macular degeneration. Beta-carotene present in broccoli is converted into vitamin A in the body. Lack of vitamin A in the body causes night blindness.
5. Improves the immune system
Broccoli is rich in sulfur so eating broccoli helps improve gut health. The sulfur present in broccoli is able to protect the intestines inside and outside.
6. Benefits of broccoli to look younger
Broccoli inhibits our body's active oxygen system and detoxifies the body, so eating broccoli is very beneficial for us to prevent rapid aging or remove age marks on the face.
7. Increases skin radiance
Vitamin C has many properties, one of which is to restore the glow and dullness of the skin. Broccoli is rich in vitamin C, contains dietary fiber that prevents constipation and vitamin C beautifies the skin.
8. Broccoli is very important for weight control
Broccoli is a fairly fibrous food. Broccoli is low in fat and calories but high in fiber so there is no harm in eating more broccoli. Due to its high iron content, eating broccoli during a diet helps in relieving lethargy.
9. Broccoli to relieve gastric problems
Gastric ulcer and gastritis problems have become a common problem due to current dietary habits. Broccoli can be a great choice for preventing gastric ulcers and gastritis. Broccoli has many more byproducts than cabbage. It contains an ingredient called sulforaphane which prevents gastric ulcers and cancer.
10. Broccoli boosts brain power
The demands of daily life put a lot of stress on our brains. Broccoli can improve brain function. Adults as well as children should eat broccoli regularly. The nutritional value of broccoli plays an important role in improving memory in children. Eating broccoli regularly can prevent diseases like Alzheimer's.
How to eat broccoli
When buying broccoli, be sure to check for fresh and dark green. Broccoli sprouts can be eaten whole, but you can keep the tender stalks if you prefer. The stalks also have nutritional value. Broccoli can be cooked as well as eaten in salads or with meat, but the nutritional value is unchanged when eaten raw. Wash well and eat raw.
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